
I know this is a really silly picture..but it does capture how truly happy I was on vacation.

sm_viewI am having a difficult time transitioning back from vacation. I had an amazing ten days living on the beach, playing with my children, and soaking in sunshine and honestly…I want to still be there this morning instead of writing a new post. It has been less than twelve hours since we arrived home and I can already feel the pull of the day-in-day-out routines. And I already miss spending each day playing with my family.

Daphne’s newest post on Joyful Days helped me get past the morning hours when my kids left for preschool and my husband left for work. She reminded me that visiting paradise is great, but spending time with the world inside of me is priceless.

But in this moment, I miss paradise.

sm_poolI know I need to get a grip and create a balance. But the tears are flowing as I sit here alone with my computer when yesterday I was walking the beach with my family. I’m not fighting it. I’m letting the tears flow. I’m acknowledging how blessed I am to have had such a wonderful vacation.

I’m soaking in my memories and not setting expectations for this week.

I need to get my non-vacation groove back. Any suggestions?

Showing 31 comments
  • Hi Stacey: Welcome back! I’m glad you had a great time. I’m sorry you’re having post-vacation blues. Do something you love, such as calling a friend and going for coffee, sitting down with a great book, or getting a massage. I’m having trouble with my internet connection so I’m at my sister’s house sitting at her computer.

    Marelisa´s last blog post..Time Management Secret: Do It Tomorrow

    • Marelisa – “Post Vacation Blues” – that is exactly what I have. I feel better just being able to place a label on it (and I usually don’t like labels). I’ll be sure to do something I love today. Thanks!

  • Welcome back, Stacey. I can say I know how you feel. When I return from paradise I often find myself saying “I need a vacation from my vacation.” I read Daphne’s post, too, and while I do believe in what she wrote, I also believe that vacations are a great stress relief and transitioning back is challenging! I say let the tears flow, rejoice in the memories since they are so fresh, and in time, like so many things, you will resume “life as usual”.

    Looking at your pictures – I miss paradise, too! Glad to hear you had a great trip.

    • Stacey Shipman – My vacation was *bliss*. The only stress (besides my two year old screaming) was deciding to go to the beach, to the pool, or to the nature preserve. Thank you for reminding me that transitioning back is a normal challenge. I don’t remember it being so hard in the past. And I know, just like my amazing vacation, this too shall pass. Thanks!

  • “difficult time transitioning back from vacation” – i can feel the pain, LOL!
    Suggestion: write down the list of blogs you are to write about the vacation, and just start posting. I did it recently and it both returned me to the “reality” and reminded me once more about the paradise…. 🙂

  • ease into it 😉 Your vacation looked wonderful!

    Annette´s last blog post..Kids off of School Today…..Making Health a Priority

  • Alik – How fun! I think I will do a goggle search to find bloggers that are writing about one of favorite vacation spots.

    – I’m easing into it and working on embracing everything I am grateful for here at home.

  • Hi Stacey,
    First off, welcome back! I love the picture of you with the fish – someone was having fun! Being able to spend time just “being” with family – that can be so nourishing for our souls. And yet, it can’t go on forever. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a vacation anymore. Experience the emotions of this all – the highs and the lows. They all feed and nourish us.

  • Jay

    Yeah- Stacey is back. You look so happy! Which makes me happy for you. We all missed you, but I am sure being away was just plain bliss……now get back to work. 🙂

  • Lance – Thank you for taking care of my blog while I was away! My trip was very nourishing (except for those fries they served every night). Your right, vacation are vacations because they are vacations.

    Jay – Thank you for taking care of my blog while I was away! I promise to get back to work very soon.

  • Welcome back, Stacy. I know how hard it is to get back into the day to day routine after a vacation, but soon you’ll be looking forward to those activities that used to fill your day.

    We missed you, and are glad to see you back……………….:)

  • Be true to your emotions and use that emotion to reach a higher thought.

    I know how difficult it is to reach state of happy thoughts when you’re in a place of “Post Vacation Blues”. I am not saying that you should go from “Post Vacation Blues” straight away into happy thoughts. I am saying to grab the closest thought that brings a little relief given your situation. Find the highest thought that matches your current vibration.

    For example, if you have ever been in a depressive feeling, then you know that it feels better to think thoughts of revenge and blame. People say you shouldn’t have thoughts of revenge, but that is because they don’t honor their feelings and they don’t know about YOUR feelings while depressed. To you while in depression, revenge is a step up from depression. Always go with how YOU feel.

    Hopefully people don’t take this advice and stay in revengeful thoughts long enough to act on them, hopefully they reach for the next relieving thought of anger. And the next relieving thought of frustration, then the next relieving thought of hope.

    If you keep reaching like this, you can reach yourself right out of “Post Vacation Blues”. 🙂

    I hope that helps. 🙂

  • Stacey,

    Thanks for the link love. I’m honoured and grateful that my post helped just a little bit. I know the empty feeling that comes the day after a great vacation. Maybe that’s part of the point of a vacation – if you’d been GLAD to be back, it wouldn’t have said much for the vacation. So in a way it’s a good sign.

    I loved the pic of you with the fish – it exudes pure joy!

  • Hi Stacey,

    I know how you feel, when I return from the Caribbean in particular I always feel a little low when I get back to the UK, especially if it’s raining here. I always find it hard to return to work, I could spend my life on vacation to be honest but at least you’ve had a fantastic time with your family.

    I’d say catch up with a friend and show them your vacation photos. I still look at my old photos from years ago. It’s amazing how vivid my memories are from vacations I took 5 or 6 years ago, I remember the names of the wonderful staff in the hotel and the restaurants I went to.

    Thank you for sharing.

  • Lisa – Somehow knowing you understand my situation makes me feel better. I’m not looking forward to my daily routines just yet, but I know I’ll get there.

    Nicholas – Thank you for your kind words. My emotions are taking me to higher thoughts and for that I am grateful. Personally, it is best for me to think from a perspective of responsibility (and not blame) and I do believe in taking baby steps to reach a happier state of being.

    Daphne – Your post has helped me for the past 24 hours! I have been listening, singing, and humming “I’ve been to paradise, but I’ve never been to me” ever since I read your post.

    Michelle – As I mentioned to Lisa, knowing you know how I feel makes me feel better. Thank you for sharing. And I hear you about the rain. I went from 81 degrees to 23 degrees. Burrrr.

  • Diane

    Hi Stacy,

    When you think about your vacation feel the blessing and the gladness and your happiness within all your memories. As you go about your day take time to reflect on those beautiful joyous memories. Take your vacation with you now….allow it to be a love and smile inside as you re-adjust to your day to day. Start I am thankful for….and remind yourself what ablessing this day is ans how recharged you are for your family vacation allow it to energize your days.

    Welcome Back!

  • Jennifer

    I read your post with tears streaming down MY face. I have had a day to myself today (no school for me, but my daughter went). I really loved every minute of my time alone, but I can’t wait to race to her school and scoop her up. I am so happy for you that you and your family had such a wonderful time together. 🙂

  • Wow, I love the photos! I’m glad you had a great time. It’s been eons since I’ve been on vacation and hope ’09 will be the year!

    Carla´s last blog post..Can it be done?

  • Jen :-)

    For me, that’s when I LOVE the photos I’ve taken on trips! As soon as I get home I’m printing pictures and either putting them in albums to look at over and over and of course, share. OR I’m taking those prints and scrapbooking them…. with your artistic talent, this second option could be VERY fun!! (Of course, I’d be glad to help get that started :-))

  • Diane – Thank you. I am thankful for all the time I was able to spend (in warm weather) with my family.

    Jennifer – I’m happy to hear you were able to sneak in a day for yourself! I’ve been meaning to call you to see how you felt when you returned from your recent trip.

    Carla – Vacations start with planning! I recommend booking a trip now and enjoy the anticipation.

    Jen – Wow! I received two Jen visits today. It’s great to have you here. I didn’t know you were into scrapbooking…I gave it up when B turned 9 months old. Thanks for the advice. I’m going to order printed photos this week of my trip.

  • Stacey,

    I’m so glad the song helped. I’ve been listening and singing it a lot myself since my own post! Hope you’re feeling better today. I think after a vacation you tend to feel a wee bit better each day until one day you wake up and you’re happy to be home again. My heart is with you.

    Daphne´s last blog post..Having It All, Losing It All

  • Nothing beats a great vacation.

    It’s those blips in our life that really stand out … all those Hallmark memories. Interestingly, some of my worst vacations turned out to be some of my best memories.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Forcing Functions

  • Daphne – Honestly, I’m still singing the song.

    J.D. – “Nothing beats a great vacation.” – Amen!

  • Hi Stacey. Welcome “home”! Home IS where the heart is and I suppose you left your heart back on the beach? 😉 Don’t be too hard on yourself. You are Stacey on that beach and you are Stacey here.

    Take a min-holiday every day… look at the trees — see them with new eyes — hear the birds with new ears — you’re obviously in a new place after your holiday. You have changed and you just don’t recognize your “old” home. You can define it and make it home, rather than trying to fit back into the old groove.

    Davina´s last blog post..The Morning Muse — Just Write

  • Davina – Thanks for my morning tears. In a way, I did leave some of my heart back on the beach. There is a lot for me to learn during this transition. I’m listening, writing, and gathering insights for my new groove.

  • Welcome back! I used to be in a hurry to get back to blogging but for my last trip, I took my time. I felt that I needed time to nurture myself back to my usual routine. I didn’t feel ready to start rightaway and decided to listen to my inner guidance. The space that I gave myself felt very good!

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..Installing Love On the Human Computer

  • Evelyn – I am giving myself permission to slowing enter the world of blogging again. My juices are not yet flowing and I am honoring the space I need to just BE.

  • Stacey, welcome back. It’s wonderful you had such a great holiday and I think that’s what you have to hold onto. Yes, you have post holiday blues. Many of us get them. After my trip to Spain last year I was in a funk for a few weeks. Part of it was jet lag, the rest was just a non-alignment between my body and my spirit I think. I alwyas find you just have to ride the feelings out. you’ll settle down again. There’s no rush. Just stay in the moment and don’t judge your emotions or thoughts. All will be ‘normal’ soon.


    Kelly@SHE-POWER´s last blog post..Celebrating Australia Day

  • Hmm, why did Comment Luv pull an old post of mine?


  • Kelly – Thank you for the kind words. With so many horrible things going on in the word, it feels quite petty to have the post vacation blues. It is what it is though. I left part of my heart in paradise and now I’m listening and learning as I “ride the feelings out”. I’m not sure about comment luv. It sometimes only pulls older posts for me too when I comment on other blogs.

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  • […] this week. Hopefully by next week I will have lost the other 1.4 pounds that I gained during my paradise vacation. Yes, I gained 4 pounds while I was balancing beach coma and french fries. During my Weight […]