The power of intention can have a direct impact on how we perceive and experience our lives. What is your intention for this moment, for this hour, and for this day?

My intention for this moment is to encourage you to think about your intentions.

My intention for this hour to enjoy morning silence with a cup of decaf coffee.

My intention for this day (this evening) is to upload Week One’s introduction, videos, links, power questions, activities, and discussions onto the Hungry for Balance Online Retreat website.

Are your intentions moving you towards the life you desire?


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Showing 34 comments
  • My intention for this moment is to schedule my newsletter (finally)

    My intention for the hour is to do a little more writing on my book.

    My intention for the evening is to chill. This is day one back from having the flu and I can feel my body saying “day over, kid”.

  • Stacey Shipman – Take care of yourself. Too often we don’t listen to our bodies.

  • I like the 10th Intention. I like gathering here on your site to synergize and to be in Oneness. Thanks for publishing the lovely poster!

    Evelyn Lim´s last blog post..Play The Wishing Game?

  • My intention this week is to complete my first half marathon. I’m a bit nervous about it to be honest. This is moving me towards the life I want, a life full of healthy and full of energy.

    Thanks for the post!

    Happiness Is Better´s last blog post..Book Review: The Art of The Start

  • Jay

    My intention this week is to watch the language I use in my self talk, and make it a point to listen more and talk less.

    @Happiness is Better- good luck- do not be nervous- I am sure it will be great!

    Jay´s last blog post..Inner Noodle’s Guide to Dream Analysis- Step 2

  • Evelyn – Being able to gather with amazing people online is one of my greatest joys.

    Happiness Is Better – Wow, that is brilliant. Just take it one step at a time and enjoy being in the moment of the experience.

    Jay – “Listen more and talk less” – oh how that is one of life’s greatest lessons.

  • Stacey, thanks for sharing the 10 Intentions poster. I love it!

    I intend to draft a weekly routine for blogging (reading and writing) today, and I intend to work periods of compulsory non-blogging into it!

    Daphne´s last blog post..Just Keep Showing Up

  • Hi Stacey

    Sometimes we need to communicate our intentions to others too. Oftentimes, the best of intentions come across incorrectly.


    LifeMadeGreat | Juliet´s last blog post..Getting What You Ask For

  • Daphne – I think having a routine for blogging is very important for any blogger practicing the art of life balance. I hope you share your routine once you have created it.

    Juliet – I can relate to the best of intentions coming across wrong to others. It can sometimes seem exhausting to have to communicate you intentions, but I think I’d be better off if I did this more often.

  • Hi Stacey. I love this poster. It is beautifully done. Ahem, my intention is to be in bed very soon. I’m a half hour late. Blogging has caught me again. Fun, fun, fun.

    Davina´s last blog post..The Morning Muse — Inspiring Hands

  • I’ve just woke up from a dream about my dad dying (he’s alive) and for that strange reason I’m heavily motivated today to ‘get things done’.

    I definitely recommend getting your intentions – and then actions – in order to start your days off on the right foot. Great post!


    Glen Allsopp´s last blog post..Ask the Readers: Why Are We Here?

  • Davina – I hope you had a peaceful night sleep. If we aren’t careful, blogging can easily shift us off balance.

    Glen – I would love to start each morning concentrating on my intentions and actions for the day.

  • My intention for today is to get some writing in, and have a regular routine to follow! Great post, Stacey!

    BC Doan´s last blog post..Are Your Back-Links Keep Readers Away

  • Intentions are powerful.

    When you’re on a mission, it’s easier to see whether you’re moving toward or away from your goal. Taking action has more meaning.

    I like to balance intentional with random and exploratory. I like to be surprised. I think of it as my input or downtime and it feeds my cycle of results.

    J.D. Meier´s last blog post..Avoid Mental Burnout

  • BC – Thanks for sharing your intentions.

    J.D. – I love the idea of balancing intentions with spontaneity. I also love the sense of surprise.

  • Not only are those 10 so inspiring but very beautiful to look at. And no need to print them out — I’ve set them as my desktop background!

    What a breath of fresh air to come here and read this post. Thanks.

    Jannie Funster´s last blog post..Trout-fishing hip waders!

  • I always try to stay positive. Even in the worst situations, a positive outlook can win out……………………..:)

    Thanks for the great post.

    LisaNewton´s last blog post..Men at Work

  • Hi Stacey – I think intention is very powerful – it provides a focus, like a lens focusing the sunlight. I’ve got lots of them!

    Robin´s last blog post..The Fountain Of Youth Gets An Update!

  • Hi Stacey – Those are brilliant intentions. My intention for this moment is to finish my coffee before it goes cold. My intention for this hour is to take a bath. And my intention for this day is to do my (late) tax return and claim some money back.

  • Jannie – I’m glad you are enjoying them.

    Lisa – Staying positive is great. Sometimes it is difficult though to always find the silver lining.

    Robin – “Like a lens focusing the sunlight” – I love that!

    Cath – I hope your bath was refreshing and that you were able to claims lots of money back.

  • Firany – I acknowledge you for know when you need to rest.

  • Hi Stacey,
    My intention for this day is to keep smiling even someone hurts me.
    Thanks for sharing the beautiful 10th Intention, Stacey. 🙂

    Arswino´s last blog post..I Want To Be Extraordinary !!

  • Jen :-)

    Hi Stacey! As of late my biggest intention is to remain calm… my patience (perhaps with second graders) as of late has been a bit short! My intention is to nurture and teach while keeping my patience in check. Awesome poster – can I share it with others? I’ve got a group of teachers that I meet with monthly outside of work to discuss all of the positives in our job. It is such a refreshing group of women and a great way to spend an hour.

  • Arswino – That is not an easy intention. May your heart be filed with light and love.

    Jen – Breathe in calmness, breathe out anxiety. Sorry to hear your students are testing your patience. You are a kind, light hearted person and your students are so fortunate to have you in their lives (even though they may not appreciate it until they are older). Follow the link and you can download it for free.

  • Hi Stacey – The poster is beautiful. That and your words say it so well.

    My intention is to get caught up on visiting blogs. It’s been a busy few weeks, but I’m making time to make the rounds.

    My other intentions are to get to bed before 2am tonight. Wish me luck. 🙂

    Barbara Swafford´s last blog post..Like Bees on Honey – Learn to Attract Comments to Your Blog

  • My intention for this moment is to write a thoughtful response. My intention for today is to enjoy every moment for all it’s worth.

    To enjoy every moment is difficult for me. I’m attached to the struggle of living. My intention clashes with my reality.

    What I’ve been trying to do to combat this is to find little reminders that bring me back to the ever glorious present moment. It may be a noise, a note on my desk or my phone ringing. Each acts as a trigger for me to enjoy life.

    Karl Staib – Work Happy Now´s last blog post..Putting on Your Underwear Mindset

  • Barbara – My intention is to get caught up on blogs tonight too. And after that, a good dose of American Idol.

    Karl – Thank you for your thoughtful response. To enjoy every moment is difficult. What would it be like if you gave yourself permission to not have to enjoy every moment? Enjoying some moments is a great baby step towards walking away from the struggle.

  • Stacey – What a timely post for me. All week I have felt like I’m rushing from one fire to another, without any sense of prioritizing. It’s driving me nuts. My intention is to sit down this weekend and map out my plan. To prioritize. To set limits. To spend time with my kids. Enjoy the weekend!

    Hip Mom’s Guide´s last blog post..What’s Really in the Food We Eat?

  • Hip Mom’s Guide – Ah…setting limits is one of my favorite tasks. Be sure to put YOU onto the priority list you are creating.

  • Stacey –

    What a lovely post! I’ve been thinking that perhaps my friend was right: I don’t have enough “me” time, as I’m always running from one task to another, from practices to meetings, to homework to housework. I intend to clean up my schedule so it looks less daunting, so I can tackle each task with grace and still have some time left over, all the while enjoying life and all it has to offer. 🙂

    deepikaur´s last blog post..Write Better with [Site Spotlight]

  • deepikaur – How is your schedule going? Are you putting yourself back onto your to do list?

  • Great post Stacey,

    For some strange reasons I need to force myself to be organized.

    My personality is such that I love to be spontaneous and hate any kind of schedules and To Do lists. But that is the only way for me to get things done otherwise I can spread myself in to many directions.

    My intention for this Sunday is to – Create a system of rituals that make me organized and productive.

    My intention is to set an intentions every morning for different segments of my day.

    I already implemented and pretty successful in a lot of rituals but organizational part is still suffering.

    Thanks for your intention and for making me think and do that 🙂

  • Peter – I’d love to learn more about your rituals.

  • Shravan

    My intention for now is to create affluence, togetherness, love, freedom…and peace